A free-to-use Device, OS and Browser detection service
You are welcome to use our free device detection service, maintained by SkyDancer, our Artificial intelligence solution. Use our simple REST web service to get device, OS and browser information from the server. The result is returned in an easy-to-parse JSON format.
We do not expect to charge money for this service.
Please contact us at info@ethertech.com if you need assistance with integrating the detection service with your application.
The following devices are detectable:
- Samsung tablets, phones, smartphones, TV sets
- Apple tablets, phones, smartphones, TV sets
- HTC tablets, phones, smartphones
- Sony/Sony Ericsson tablets, phones, smartphones
- Motorola tablets, phones, smartphones
- LG tablets, phones, smartphones
- Huawei tablets, phones, smartphones
- Lenovo tablets, phones, smartphones
- Nokia tablets, phones, smartphones
- Blackberry tablets, phones, smartphones
- All the latest brands, devices, hundreds of thousands device combinations, operating systems, browsers, bots...
The following operating systems are detectable:
- Windows (all versions)
- Windows Mobile
- Android
- iOS
- Unix
- Linux
- Chromium
- + more
The following browsers are detectable:
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Internet Explorer
- Safari
- Opera
- UC Browser
- Silk
- + more browsers
The following type of devices/agents are detectable:
- Computers
- Smartphones
- Smart TVs
- Tablets
- Phablets
- Consoles
- Bots
To use the service, call the url specified in the code example below with a device's user agent in the "ua" parameter, if the device's user agent is identified, its
data is returned with status code 200 in the body of the response. If no data is found, a status code 404 is returned with an empty body. You can use either HTTP POST or HTTP GET methods to call the service.
The service has an average response time of <1 ms, and 99.999%+ uptime.
The returned information in JSON format pertaining to the device details are returned as described in the table below.
Member Name | Description | Return value |
deviceType | Type of device | "Smartphone", "Tablet", "Phablet", "Smart TV", "Console" etc. |
deviceName | Brand name of device | Any brand name such as "Nexus 7", "Galaxy S4" etc. |
deviceManufacturer | Manufacturer(Company name) of the device | "Samsung", "Apple", "Huawei", "HTC" etc. |
osName | Name of Operating System | "Android", "iOS", "Windows NT", "Linux", "Macintosh" etc. |
osRealName | Brand name of Operating System | "Windows XP", "Windows 7", "El Capitan" etc. |
osVersion | Version of Operating System, most commonly used in conjunction with osName | "4.3", "8.0", "6.1" etc. |
osManufacturer | Manufacturer(Company name) of the Operating System | "Google", "Apple", "Microsoft" etc. |
browserName | Brand name of detected browser | "Chrome", "Firefox", "Internet Explorer", "Safari" etc. |
browserVersion | Version of detected browser | "29.0.1547.72", "46.0.2490.86" etc. |
browserEngine | Brand name of detected browser rendering engine | "Webkit", "Presto", "Gecko", "Trident" etc. |
browserEngineVersion | Version of detected browser rendering engine | "537.36", "537.17", "20100101" etc. |
browserManufacturer | Manufacturer(Company name) of the browser | "Google", "Apple", "Microsoft" etc. |
mozillaVersion | Browser supported Mozilla version | "Mozilla/4.0", "Mozilla/5.0" etc. |
dbVersion | Version of database used for lookup, usually indicating the date on which it was updated. | "20151101", "20151201" |
isBot | Indicates whether the user agent pertains to a bot (true) or not (false) | true, false |
A simple code example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
function detectdevice()
var xmlhttp;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
} else {
// code for IE6, IE5
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) {
var e = document.getElementById("myDiv");
var ua_url = "http://dd.ethertech.com/"
// Append "?ua=<useragent>" or the service will return callers ua
xmlhttp.open("GET", ua_url, true);
<h2>Simple Device Detection</h2>
<button type="button" onclick="detectdevice()">Request data</button>
<div id="myDiv"></div>
Example response:
'deviceName':'Nexus 7',
Live example, displaying output from the service using your current useragent:
Please let us know what you think about the service. E-mail your thoughts or questions to info@ethertech.com.