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Company History
Ethertech was founded in 1999 by Per Callmin.
In 2007, EasyReminder was released.
In 2008, Ethertech shifted development from Flash 8 (AS2) to Flash 9(AS3).
In 2009, Ethertech released ReversiLounge.
In 2011, Ethertech started R&D of HTML5 games for mobile devices.
In 2012, Ethertech started R&D of HTML5 games for desktop.
In 2013, Ethertech completed development of SkyDancer 1 Ai.
In 2014, Ethertech shifted development from Flash to HTML5.
In 2014, Ethertech released Shoppinglistan.nu.
In 2015, Ethertech completed development of SkyDancer 3.
In 2015, Ethertech released Errorreport.net.
In 2016, Ethertech completed development of SkyDancer 4.
In 2015, Ethertech released Morningstar.tools.
In 2016, Ethertech appointed SkyDancer Ai webmaster of Errorreport.net.
In 2016, Ethertech appointed SkyDancer Ai webmaster of Morningstar.tools.
In 2017, Ethertech appointed SkyDancer Ai webmaster of Ethertech.com.
In 2017, Ethertech appointed SkyDancer Ai webmaster of Skydancer.ai.
In 2018, Ethertech completed development of an automated software development system.
In 2018, Ethertech completed R&D of device detection by Ai.
In 2018, Ethertech started development of automated device detection service by Ai.
In 2018, Ethertech appointed SkyDancer Ai HIPS administrator.
In 2019, Ethertech completed development of projects MEGA and GIGA (Continuous Deployment by Ai).
In 2020, Ethertech completed development of CDB (Common DataBase).
In 2021, Ethertech completed development of Network Intrusion Protection system (by SkyDancer).
In 2021, Ethertech completed development of Morningstar AIAD system.
In 2022, Ethertech completed development of Genesis automated deployment platform.
In 2022, Ethertech started using Ai for development of games and servers.
In 2023, Ethertech completed development of development of games and servers by using Ai.
In 2023, Ethertech became Ethertech.games and started working with online games developmet.

Mission statement
To be the top of mind R&D software development company working with the most recent web technologies, and Artificial intelligence.

Vision statement
To provide research and tools which enable companies all over the world in becoming more efficient by using Artificial intelligence.

Value statement
Our work is guided and informed by our beliefs and commitments to:

  • Inclusiveness - we respect people, value diversity and are committed to equality.
  • Participation - we value and recognise the contribution of volunteers within organisations and communities.
  • Quality - we strive for excellence through continuous improvement.
  • Openness - we are committed to a transparent culture of teamwork and collaboration.
  • Fulfillment - we are committed to giving the smartest and the bravest individuals the resources and the focus they need so that they can grow and fulfill themselves and the company.

Work philosophy
The Excellent core beliefs, as defined by HP founders, defines our work philosophy:
Believe you can change the world.
Work quickly, keep the tools unlocked, work whenever.
Know when to work alone and when to work together.
Share tools, ideas. Trust your colleagues.
No Politics. No bureaucracy. (These are ridiculous in a garage)
The customer defines a job well done.
Radical ideas are not bad ideas.
Invent different ways of working.
Make a contribution every day. If it doesn't contribute, it doesn't leave the garage.
Believe that together we can do anything.

Contact us via email at info@ethertech.com.

Postal address
Ethertech Games AB
Starrbacksgatan 9
SE-17274 Sundbyberg
Stockholm, Sweden

If you have questions about Ethertech, please email info@ethertech.com.

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